Monday, 23 April 2018

Postling Wood, Postling & Folkestone Warren, Folkestone

Having spent most of the last couple of months on the shingle at Dungeness, it was time to get away for an afternoon exploring some ancient woodland up on the North Downs. With David and Gill as guides for the day and Matt visiting we made our way to the first stop, Postling Wood which had a few botanical treasures.

Postling Wood, A woodland full of Ancient Woodland Indicators (AWIs)
Due to being up on the chalk, the canopy comprised mainly of Ash Fraxinus excelsior with an under story of Hazel Corylus avellana providing the perfect for common spring ephemeral species such as Bluebells Hyacinthoides non-scripta, Wood Anemone Anemone nemorosa and Primrose Primula vulgaris although beautiful plants to see it wasn't why we'd made the pilgrimage.

Although we were a little late in the year, there was still evidence of the Green Hellebore Helleborus viridis which grow along the road verge. Although all of them had gone to seed it was still nice to see their delicate green nodding heads and large palmate leaves.

Green Hellebore, Helleborus viridis
Second on the list to find was Toothwort Lathraea squamaria, a species I have seen before in Wales but never before in England. It's unusual colour comes from the fact it is a saprophyte and has no chlorophyll, instead it gets its nutrients parasitically from its host plant, often Hazel.

Toothwort, Lathraea squamaria
A few other plants of note were also seen, the deep purple flowers of Early Dog-Violet Viola reichenbachiana which is often found in chalky dry woods. It is distinguishable from the Common Dog-Violet Viola riviniana due to its flowers having dark centres, dark spur and rounded leaves.

Early Dog-Violet, Viola reichenbachiana
The odd looking flowers of Goldilocks Buttercup Ranunculus auricomus were quite common along the bank by the road. Another basic soil lover it's distinctive misshapen and often missing petals give it a shabby look.

Goldilocks Buttercup, Ranunculus auricomus
Also present were several large patches of Moschatel Adoxa moschatellina, also known as Town-Hall clock due to its for faced flowers.

Moschatel Adoxa moschatellina
Once we'd finished looking at the flora we took a quick trip into Folkestone to try our luck seeing the Common Wall Lizards Podarcis muralis which inhabit the cliffs there. Although non-native to Britain, it only got as far a the Channel Islands before the channel flooded after the last inter-glacial period, there are several populations around the UK.

The view from the top of the Warren, Folkestone
At least six individuals were seen at the top of the warren, close to a nearby cafe, where they frequenting several of the buildings. The males are beautifully marked with emerald green mottling along its back, often scuttling off quickly when anyone approached. How this population became established has been lost to history but the local story is that they were released by a local pet shop owner who failed to sell them. Now they're thriving and they're here to stay.

Common Wall Lizard, Podarcis muralis

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